People don’t even leave the ashes of the last rites of their relatives, people here make soup and drink it, this tradition is strange!

People don’t even leave the ashes of the last rites of their relatives, people here make soup and drink it, this tradition is strange!

Weird Traditions Around the World: Different types of people live in the world and there are traditions associated with each region. Some of these customs are still fine, but in many places something happens that we get scared on hearing. A similar tradition related to the funeral is played in the South American tribe Yanomani, which is so strange that it will shock people. Although this is absolutely normal for these people.

The customs associated with birth and death differ in every society and community. Although some things are the same everywhere, such as sending the dead body on the last journey with respect. On the other hand, talk about the Yanomani tribe found in South America, they follow a strange tradition related to the last rites, in which even the remaining ashes are consumed after burning the dead.

eat dead bodies, make ash soup
You must have heard some strange traditions related to the funeral, in which the dead body is taken out of the grave for the party or due to lack of space, the coffins are swapped. However, the custom of the Yanomani tribe is different from this. In this tribe, known as Yanam or Senema, the dead body is covered with leaves and other things for the last rites. After 30-40 days they bring him back and burn the leftover body. The ashes that remain after burning the body, these people make soup of it and drink it. This custom has been followed traditionally here.

Why is this done?
This tradition is called coendocannibalism. This community believes that the soul of a dead person gets peace only when his dead body is eaten by relatives. That’s why they eat the ashes in some way or the other. According to them they protect the soul in this way. If a person has been murdered, only women eat the ashes of his body and their last rites are also performed differently. The Yanomani tribe lives in the Amazon forests and has about 200-250 villages.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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